Bruhan Maharashtra Mandal is organizing inter-mandal cricket tournament this year at the Texas regional level.
San Antonio, Dallas, Houston mandals along with Austin Marathi Mandal are participating.
Several people have already shown interest.
If you are interested in being part of the Austin cricket team, please reach out to Austin leads:
Pushkar Deshpande: 408-796-8301 or Gajanan Paranjpe: 419-297-8107
& sign up BMM 2.0 Sports (Cricket Tournament) form.
San Antonio, Dallas, Houston mandals along with Austin Marathi Mandal are participating.
Several people have already shown interest.
If you are interested in being part of the Austin cricket team, please reach out to Austin leads:
Pushkar Deshpande: 408-796-8301 or Gajanan Paranjpe: 419-297-8107
& sign up BMM 2.0 Sports (Cricket Tournament) form.
Please refer to the following "BMM Cricket League (BCL) Rules & Format" document.
: Please Note :
Regional cricket tournament is on Memorial Day Weekend.
Regional cricket tournament is on Memorial Day Weekend.