Shala Announcements
"Austin Marathi Shala" Program
Shala Events & News
YouTube Channel
!!Enrollment Now CLOSED!!
नमस्कार मंडळी,
We are happy to announce that shala is open now and our in-person classes have begun on August 18th, 2024. We now have two locations to support our growing community in Austin. Find below the location details.
नमस्कार मंडळी,
We are happy to announce that shala is open now and our in-person classes have begun on August 18th, 2024. We now have two locations to support our growing community in Austin. Find below the location details.
Spring Semester 2025 Updates
Important Dates & Calendar:
Shala opens on Sunday August 18, 2024 and every Sunday thereafter. We normally follow local ISD calendars such as RRISD, AISD and LISD and plan major events, holidays based on Kalnirnay, ISD calendars etc.
Shala opens on Sunday August 18, 2024 and every Sunday thereafter. We normally follow local ISD calendars such as RRISD, AISD and LISD and plan major events, holidays based on Kalnirnay, ISD calendars etc.
Austin Marathi Shala is a project of Austin Marathi Mandal (AMM) initiated by Bruhan Maharashtra Mandal of North America (BMM).
Austin Marathi Shala is a non-profit school affiliated with Austin Marathi Mandal. This school is solely run by volunteers.
The purpose of Austin Marathi Shala is to teach Marathi culture and Marathi language to next generation.
The aim of the Marathi Shala is to empower children with the ability to read, write and communicate in Marathi.
These children also gets exposure to Marathi Culture by learning about and celebrating different traditions at school.
Students get opportunity to showcase their newly acquired language skill during various AMM programs (such as Ganapati) and also during end of end-semester celebrations.
Austin Marathi Shala is a non-profit school affiliated with Austin Marathi Mandal. This school is solely run by volunteers.
The purpose of Austin Marathi Shala is to teach Marathi culture and Marathi language to next generation.
The aim of the Marathi Shala is to empower children with the ability to read, write and communicate in Marathi.
These children also gets exposure to Marathi Culture by learning about and celebrating different traditions at school.
Students get opportunity to showcase their newly acquired language skill during various AMM programs (such as Ganapati) and also during end of end-semester celebrations.
- BMM is working with Bharati Vidyapeeth for this program
- Bharati Vidyapeeth has done extensive research keeping in mind the needs of NRI children while setting up the syllabus
- Austin Marathi Shala has 8 levels of Marathi Study (Bal Mitra 1, Bal Mitra 2, Bal Mitra 3, Kishore Mitra 1, Kishore Mitra 2, Kishor Mitra 3 and Praveen Mitra 1 and Praveen Mitra 2)
- Each student will go with his/her pace -- there is no rush to achieve certain level in certain time frame
- Over all emphasis: 60% Oral communication & 40% Reading-Writing (each level has certain expectations)
- Other things that will be covered are: shlok, kavita, drawing, craft work, etc.
- Age: 5 and up (recommended)
- Duration: One and half hours to 2 hours - once a week
Note : BMM emphasizes more on 'conversation' than 'on reading and writing (60:40), thus it is important that a student communicates well in Marathi. Only way for parents to achieve this goal is by communicating with your kids in Marathi and encourage him/her to communicate back in Marathi.
AMS Teacher Allocation Guidelines : BM1 : One Teacher for every 4-5 kids & All Other Classes: One Teacher per class.
AMS Teacher Allocation Guidelines : BM1 : One Teacher for every 4-5 kids & All Other Classes: One Teacher per class.
Upcoming events
August 01 2024- August 12th 2024: Enrollment for fall session.
August 18, 2023 : ऑस्टिन मराठी शाळा Fall sessions begin!
August 18, 2023 : ऑस्टिन मराठी शाळा Fall sessions begin!
Shala Overview & News
2022 News:
2021 News:
Shala News

Hearty Congratulations to Sau. Aarti Paralkar for getting BMM's Teacher of the year 2019 award.
सौ. आरती अनमोल परळकर ह्यांना बृहन्महाराष्ट्र मंडळाचा Teacher Award 2019 मिळाल्याबद्दल त्यांचे हार्दिक अभिनंदन!
सौ. आरती अनमोल परळकर ह्या ऑस्टिन मराठी शाळेच्या स्थापनेपासूनच परदेशात लहान मुलांना मराठीची गोडी लावण्याच्या कार्याला समर्पित आहेत. NRI मुलांना मराठी शिकतांना अवघड संकल्पना सोप्या व्हाव्या म्हणून त्यांनी हस्तकलेला यशस्वी साधन केले आहे. मुलांना लेखी अभ्यासक्रमासकट मराठी बोलता-वाचता कसे येईल ह्याकडे त्या जातीने लक्ष देतात. आपल्या मुलांशी लेखी संवाद साधतांना (text, email) त्या कटाक्षाने मराठीचा वापर करतात. प्रत्येक विद्यार्थ्याला प्रोत्साहन व शिस्तीची सुयोग्य पाठ थोपटणी देत अन्य शिक्षकवृंद, पालक व विद्यार्थ्यांच्या मनात त्यांनी आदर व प्रेमाचं हक्काचं स्थान काबीज केलं आहे. त्यांना मिळालेल्या ह्या पुरस्कारावर प्रतिक्रिया विचारल्यावर त्या म्हणाल्या की हा बहुमान म्हणजे बृहन्महाराष्ट्र मंडळाने माझ्या कार्याबद्दल दाखवलेला विश्वासच आहे व आता त्यांची व ऑस्टिन मराठी शाळेची जबाबदारी वाढली आहे असे त्यांना वाटते. इतर शिक्षकांच्या वेगवेगळ्या कार्यप्रणालीबद्द्ल जाणून घ्यायला त्यांना नक्कीच आवडेल. किंबहूना त्यामुळे मराठी जिवंत ठेवण्याचे कर्तव्य आपण असेच पुढे चालत ठेवु शकू असा त्यांना विश्वास वाटतो.
सौ. आरती अनमोल परळकर ह्यांना बृहन्महाराष्ट्र मंडळाचा Teacher Award 2019 मिळाल्याबद्दल त्यांचे हार्दिक अभिनंदन!
सौ. आरती अनमोल परळकर ह्या ऑस्टिन मराठी शाळेच्या स्थापनेपासूनच परदेशात लहान मुलांना मराठीची गोडी लावण्याच्या कार्याला समर्पित आहेत. NRI मुलांना मराठी शिकतांना अवघड संकल्पना सोप्या व्हाव्या म्हणून त्यांनी हस्तकलेला यशस्वी साधन केले आहे. मुलांना लेखी अभ्यासक्रमासकट मराठी बोलता-वाचता कसे येईल ह्याकडे त्या जातीने लक्ष देतात. आपल्या मुलांशी लेखी संवाद साधतांना (text, email) त्या कटाक्षाने मराठीचा वापर करतात. प्रत्येक विद्यार्थ्याला प्रोत्साहन व शिस्तीची सुयोग्य पाठ थोपटणी देत अन्य शिक्षकवृंद, पालक व विद्यार्थ्यांच्या मनात त्यांनी आदर व प्रेमाचं हक्काचं स्थान काबीज केलं आहे. त्यांना मिळालेल्या ह्या पुरस्कारावर प्रतिक्रिया विचारल्यावर त्या म्हणाल्या की हा बहुमान म्हणजे बृहन्महाराष्ट्र मंडळाने माझ्या कार्याबद्दल दाखवलेला विश्वासच आहे व आता त्यांची व ऑस्टिन मराठी शाळेची जबाबदारी वाढली आहे असे त्यांना वाटते. इतर शिक्षकांच्या वेगवेगळ्या कार्यप्रणालीबद्द्ल जाणून घ्यायला त्यांना नक्कीच आवडेल. किंबहूना त्यामुळे मराठी जिवंत ठेवण्याचे कर्तव्य आपण असेच पुढे चालत ठेवु शकू असा त्यांना विश्वास वाटतो.
At Austin Marathi Shala, we feel that students could speak Marathi better if given proper guidance. Our teachers/parents are doing this from time to time, but “kids are kids” and thus they tend to forget many important things. Another important thing is the "lack of Marathi speaking" practice. Thus, to guide our students and encourage them to speak in Marathi, we have created a "YouTube Channel" so that these videos will be available to them permanently.
Parents will also benefit from this channel to prepare their children for the oral exam. E.g., Information about our different festivals, great leaders, different regional areas, etc., and most importantly learn new songs, poems, and some religious content like Abhang, Shlok, Stotra, and Aarati. In addition to this, we are also providing learning material that will be useful for the written exam. Thus, many students could revise the new concepts through these educational videos. Finally, parents and students must keep one thing in mind, there is no substitute for 'Marathi Shala' and YouTube Channel should be used only as a supplemental knowledge tool. So students, please watch or listen to these videos at least 3-4 times. Also, pause the videos if you want, so you can remember the sequence of sentences and after enough practice, you can easily talk about a particular topic in Marathi. We wish you Good Luck for Marathi speaking as well as for your exams!
Parents will also benefit from this channel to prepare their children for the oral exam. E.g., Information about our different festivals, great leaders, different regional areas, etc., and most importantly learn new songs, poems, and some religious content like Abhang, Shlok, Stotra, and Aarati. In addition to this, we are also providing learning material that will be useful for the written exam. Thus, many students could revise the new concepts through these educational videos. Finally, parents and students must keep one thing in mind, there is no substitute for 'Marathi Shala' and YouTube Channel should be used only as a supplemental knowledge tool. So students, please watch or listen to these videos at least 3-4 times. Also, pause the videos if you want, so you can remember the sequence of sentences and after enough practice, you can easily talk about a particular topic in Marathi. We wish you Good Luck for Marathi speaking as well as for your exams!
We would like to thank all the volunteers for your support - without your support this effort will not sustain. We appreciate your time & commitment. Success of this program is highly dependent on parents' involvement & kid's desire to speak in Marathi whenever possible. If you would like to volunteer, please send us a note.
If you are interested in Shala, please fill out this Student Interest Form.
If you are interested in Shala, please fill out this Student Interest Form.
Principal: Sripriya Rao Bhosekar
AMS App & AMS Youtube Channel Concept: Prasad Panwalker
App Design and Development: Sachin Kapase & Team
Web-Page Admin: Sripriya Rao Bhosekar
Exam Coordinator(s): Pratik Bhosekar
AMS App & AMS Youtube Channel Concept: Prasad Panwalker
App Design and Development: Sachin Kapase & Team
Web-Page Admin: Sripriya Rao Bhosekar
Exam Coordinator(s): Pratik Bhosekar